Spaces are limited, and this camp is expected to fill up fast. Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your child's summer season.

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Unlocking Potential:Igniting Passion
🎉 What's Included:
  •  Intensive Speed Training Sessions
  • ​Agility Drills And Techniques
  • ​Strength And Conditioning Workouts
  • ​Fun Team-Building Activities
Copyright 2023@ SURGE ATHLETICS 
Please select how many partner tickets you would like and please enter the name and email of each partner. We use this information to assign a ticket to that person. Partner tickets will not be assigned without this information!
ONE TIME OFFER! - Get additional partner tickets for a special one-time discount price of just $797 each.  This offer is only available for a limited time!  Bring your spouse, your partner, your friend, or your team members for a special limited time price.
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